An-Noor Academy
Each child is a unique individual who needs a secure, caring, and stimulating atmosphere in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially. An educator helps students meet their fullest potential in these areas by providing an environment that is safe, supports risk-taking, and invites a sharing of ideas.
An-Noor Academy offers a rigorous and challenging academic curriculum which is in line with the state of New Jersey's curriculum requirements. The goals of the curriculum are met using a variety of resources and pedagogical techniques. An-Noor Academy is dedicated to providing a quality education, embodying a philosophy of critical and creative thinking and designed to equip each graduate with the knowledge and skills needed to be a productive citizen and a righteous Muslim. Our educational program is informed by high academic standards, high expectations, and equal access to programs that provide and motivate a variety of interests and abilities for every student based on his or her needs.
Technology used in the classroom includes both how the content is provided to the students and how the students use technology to express what they have learned. To learn more about our Technology approach, please see our Technology page!