Social Media Policy


The purpose of this Social Media Policy is to provide clear guidelines on the responsible use of social media for all members of the An-Noor Academy (School) community, including students, staff, and parents/guardians. This policy reflects the School’s commitment to fostering a respectful, safe, and positive online presence that upholds the school’s values and reputation.  This policy applies to:

General Principles

At An-Noor Academy, we expect everyone to use social media responsibly and respectfully. Always think before you post, keeping in mind the impact your actions can have on others and the School’s reputation. Treat others with kindness, protect privacy, and help create a positive online space that reflects our shared values.  Content shared online is permanent and can affect reputations and opportunities for individuals and the School.

1.     Respect and Decorum

2.     Privacy Protection

3.     Appropriate Representation

4.     Digital Citizenship:


Students are responsible for using social media respectfully and responsibly, avoiding inappropriate content, online conflicts, and harmful behavior. They must respect others' privacy and follow the school’s guidelines to maintain a positive online environment.

1.     Educational Priority

2.     Prohibited Activities

3.     Academic Integrity

4.     Personal Responsibility

5.     Reporting


Staff are responsible for maintaining professional boundaries on social media, using it respectfully and in accordance with the school’s values.

1.     Professional Conduct:

2.     Confidentiality

3.     Role Modeling

4.     Employee Use


Parents are key in supporting the school’s social media policy by modeling responsible online behavior and helping their children understand the importance of respect, privacy, and safety. Their involvement ensures a positive and safe digital environment for all.

1.     Supportive Engagement:

2.     Student Oversight

Violations & Consequences

The School reserves the right to monitor publicly accessible online content that involves the school community.  Violations of this Policy may result in disciplinary action, including but not limited to:

The School maintains a zero-tolerance approach to serious infractions, including the posting of offensive, discriminatory, harassing, or harmful content. In cases involving illegal content or activities, the school will report the matter to law enforcement authorities.